Great times!
Every sport imaginable is in full swing, from the NFL Draft to boxing. And you’d better believe people in the Bay Area are thinking about the NBA playoffs.
I don’t even know where to begin.
Let’s start with those Oakland Raiders.
Who would have thought Randy Moss would be on the Patriots? That just doesn’t sound possible to me. It’s almost surreal. Think about the Belichick-Moss marriage for a second. This has the serious makings of a T.O.-type situation.
That’s like President Bush dating the lead singer of the Dixie Chicks. You just kind of shake your head.
But at the same time, you can’t wait to see how it actually plays out. This is easily the No. 1 story going into the upcoming NFL season. T.O. is going to be so jealous with his lack of publicity, it’ll force him to step up his antics. It’s going to be classic.
I can’t quite figure out why the Raiders parted ties with one of the best receivers in the league. I mean, just think about the roommate combination of Cal Poly’s own Kyle Shotwell and Moss.
Yeah, it’s probably better the Raiders got rid of Moss.
Quick side note, never been a big Raider guy, but if Shotwell makes the squad, I might have to jump on the bandwagon.
Speaking of jumping off the bandwagon, let’s talk about every team when it comes to Brady Quinn. I can only imagine the letdown on Groupie Avenue in Miami when the Dolphins didn’t take Quinn.
But if you thought the NFL did a good job of marketing its product during the draft, you haven’t seen the Floyd Mayweather/Oscar De la Hoya show on HBO. After watching the show, I couldn’t be more fired up for the fight. By putting this show on right after “Entourage,” the promoters probably just doubled their audience.
I find myself anticipating this reality show more than Ari and Vince. Whoever put this show together is helping to place this fight and boxing on the map.
This fight is going to live up to all the hype.
As someone who enjoys boxing more than UFC, I recommend this fight to everyone. The two fighters genuinely hate each other. I’ll guarantee if you watch the show, you’ll order the fight. Trust me, watch the show!
Last but not least, I have to give a little love to the Golden State Warriors.
Let’s be honest – the best fans in the world reside in Northern California. If Sacramento is known as the loudest arena in the NBA, Golden State has to be a close second.
I wanted to hate on Warrior fans for just jumping on this winning train, but I can’t.
First of all, they have the “hardest” team in all of sports. You could substitute Stephen Jackson (aka Mike Tyson) for De la Hoya this weekend and the fight wouldn’t miss a beat.
Jackson always looks like he is ready to snap. He has been ejected in two of the five games so far this series.
I love watching the Warriors play. They have no rhythm, no offense, no anything, they just ball. They have a bunch of guys who could easily make up an And 1 mix tape dominating the best regular-season team in the NBA.
Words of wisdom, though, to all Warriors fans: If you do not take care of business at home tonight, the series is over.
If the series could be decided in a brawl, you would have it in the bag. Since it’s decided on the floor, you’re going to actually have to make some smart decisions. I can’t see the Warriors doing this, but hey, we’ll just have to wait and see.
I’m giving 5-1 odds on Jackson getting tossed tonight. Any takers?