I know that war commentary is at excess in the media, especially on Fox News, but hey, this is America. I can talk about whatever I want.
Almost five years into America’s war efforts in the Middle East, a few observations have cropped up in my understanding of this country with regards to war. The main point here is this: War is good business. In fact, it is great business. It is better than Starbucks, big tobacco and crude oil combined.
For some, wartime may not help your local carwash business, but look at the people working at Halliburton or Lockheed Martin. Life is probably pretty good for them. Bringing in the bucks for a few mere lost lives by the creation of nuclear and biological weapons.
Nothing will profit this country more than creating the means for the American government to force the good, hard-working, white, Christian-American out of every foreigner, even if it means holding them at gunpoint – because that truly is the American way.
Speaking of wartime government, the good ol’ Texan president, must have a massive ego in thinking that he can calm down the Middle East. My dad often tells me what his Lebanese father told him concerning that area: “Those people are nomads. They have been fighting each other’s tribes for thousands of years.”
My question is: What makes Bush think he can go into Iraq over the course of five years and “Americanize” them?
Now, I’ve only been alive for 22 years, but this conflict seems a bit too similar to a war the United States fought in the 1960s, the Vietnam War. There is an overall feeling that Americans are not sure about their involvement in the Middle East. Who is the Viet-Kong of today?
After Sept 11, 2001, America was in a unified state of morale. Though I am sad for the loss of lives on that day, it seems that only destruction of mass proportions like that or Hurricane Katrina brings Americans together, why can’t American citizens be that unified during peacetime? But alas, all America is concerned about is which celebrity is touching children or holding their baby while driving.
Unfortunately, too late as it were, the next generation of Americans, my children and myself included, will be paying for this war for a long time by means of medical care for soldiers and the government taking our hard-earned dollars to stuff into the cracks of America’s war machine.
About a month ago, the Los Angeles Times did a three-part series concerning soldiers’ return from Iraq. I applaud the LA Times for their exposure of the “glamour” of war. One of the articles ended with a hospitalized soldier saying, “God, I’m scared.” Frankly, it is scary to consider the expense and effects of our involvement overseas.
I’ll leave with a final thought. With the expense, in both lives and goods going toward this war, will our involvement in Iraq really be worth it?
For more information on the business of war, read the lyrics to “Youngstown” by the immaculate Bruce Springsteen.
Nick Coury is a journalism senior. He is not an American journalist, just one who happens to live in America.