Republicans, what’s with all the hate? All of your articles lately have been about hate! Hate on Islam, illegal immigrants, global warming, liberals: the list goes on! In response to your article “Wanted: Rational, reasoned, logical liberal” article, I suggest you stop complaining so much for a second and try to understand the other side of the issues.
First off, why are you perplexed that liberals are so angry? Because they too realize that everything is out of whack? Because they would rather spend money on the poor than billions on an endless war? Because poverty is closer to them than it is to you in your gated communities while others are born to “crack-whores” on the street and have little hope in sight? Or are you too closed-minded, living on your parents’ money, getting a good education, good job, having your life handed to you and pretending that all life takes is a little hard work? Imagine for a second that you were born to a “crack-whore” or an illegal immigrant who only wanted to start a new life in America and didn’t have six years to wait, the typical waiting time to apply for citizenship in America. Do you think that rising out of poverty is something easy to do?
And are there also not “crazy” Republicans and conservatives, too? Did you not realize that though some people ARE crazy and take their ideas too far, you can’t judge a whole group of people by those extremists? There are “crazy” religious people that come to Cal Poly every year that do the exact same thing that you described “crazy liberals” doing, but I am not going to assume that all Christians act this way because I can think critically. The point is everyone is entitled to their own belief. You can’t just go and call them crazy because you don’t agree with them.
So the next time you go and state the obvious and tell us how things aren’t right, please offer a reasonable solution or show both sides of the argument. The only way we can solve our world’s problems is to have an open-minded and intelligible debate, and not think the other side is crazy or needs “psychiatric help.”
So here I am, the answer to your ad, a rational, reasonable and logical liberal. What would you like to know? How to unite America? Not by claiming that the people that you disagree with are insane or that they hate America.
Sean Basalyga is a biomedical engineering sophomore and a guest columnist for the Mustang Daily.