Five men in wifebeaters sit around a comfortable, smoke-filled living room passing a bong, watching three girls in jean skirts dance to rap, and dropping hard-hitting lines like “I’m so high, I can’t even see right now.” That basically sums up the extent of street behavior captured in director Nick Cassavetes latest movie “Alpha Dog.” More effort was placed into creating seemingly casual environments for Justin Timberlake to appear shirtless than into any of the dialogue or character relationships.
The story is based on the real-life crimes of Jesse James Hollywood, played by Emile Hirsch under the name Johnny Truelove, who currently awaits trial for the alleged kidnap and murder of Nicholas Markowitz. After a series of delayed release dates and controversy over legal situations, the film opened Friday.
“Alpha Dog” tracks a three-day period in which Truelove and his loyal gang, including Timberlake, who plays Frankie Ballenbacher, kidnap the younger brother of a drug-user financially indebted to Truelove.
(But Timberlake could have avoided the situation altogether had he simply stayed put in the Mickey Mouse Club.)
Hiding out in Palm Springs, the 15-year-old hostage isn’t subjected to the usual captive restraints as he drinks, parties and loses his virginity in a threesome, all under the supervision of his abductors. The desert retreat becomes increasingly chaotic after a missing persons report is filed and the characters begin to realize there isn’t a way to return the boy without consequences.
In fear of serving 25 years to life for their roles in the abduction, all rationale goes out the window as they consider how to get rid of the evidence. Perhaps it is exactly this type of rowdy behavior that led to the split of Timberlake and girlfriend Cameron Diaz?
After making some tough decisions, Truelove abandons his gang with the mess and leaves the country.
A fugitive in South America, the real-life Hollywood made history by becoming the youngest person to ever appear on the FBI’s most wanted list at age 19.
Hollywood’s lawyer successfully postponed the movie release date from spring 2006 because of how the movie negatively depicts his recently apprehended client.
The cast is a mix of veterans, like Bruce Willis and Sharon Stone, non-actors like Timberlake, and total unknowns.The movie also generated additional hype as everyone wants to see how pop star Timberlake will perform in the film, and to be honest I think we all knew how this one would turn out after one glimpse at a preview. Call me crazy, but I’m not sure how ‘NSYNC translates to street credibility. Nothing turns a boy band member hardcore quite like years of ripping off Janet Jackson’s clothes and dancing in computerized boxes to “Rock Your Body.”
All in all, Timberlake’s acting is believable about 45, maybe 50 percent of the time but there are definitely moments, especially in a pool scene, when I was sure his magic marker tattoos were going to wash off and “SexyBack” was going to start playing in the background.
If all you are looking for is some serious entertainment accomplishments done by Timberlake, jump on your computer and view his latest Saturday Night Live skit “Dick in a Box” on Youtube.com.
Unfortunately, the hodgepodge continues throughout the movie as scenes jump from overdone, “hardcore” parties with literally no significance to the dark, twisted ending.
To those thinking of seeing it, there are far better ways to pass the time. The only compelling aspect of the film is the true story it depicts, which can be read about online for free.