What is up, Cal Poly! It has been way too long, but I am proud to say I am back for another go-’round. Unlike Michael Vick and O.J. “10 felony counts” Simpson, I am free and will be bringing it every Thursday. Man, it feels good to be back! It’s sad, but this became a big part of my life.
But I do have some bad news, ladies: I won’t be around for fall quarter. That is, physically, but I will be living in San Luis Obispo through my column every week, and trust me, my presence will be felt.
I’ll get into where I am and what I am doing later, but for now let’s just enjoy the ride.
Is there any better time than the fall, honestly? It’s football season, baby! We’ve got so much going on. There have been three things so far which have stuck out to me: USC, the Patriots and Ramses Barden.
I have been a USC hater from day one; I’m not going to hide that fact. Their coach is 55 and has better hair than mine, which immediately puts them in my dog house.
Seriously, Pete, what is your secret? Sorry, I got sidetracked.
But I have to give it up to those Trojans. USC ransacked Nebraska, and made them look like a practice squad.
It wasn’t even close. Being in the Midwest this fall, I heard all sorts of junk. It was the Big 12 this, Nebraska that, USC is overrated. First of all, besides Oklahoma, the Big 12 is a joke. Nebraska hasn’t been a perennial power for years and god knows why they are trying to run the west coast offense. I think anyone who has watched USC over the last several years knows they are anything but overrated. No wonder Carroll is so happy.
Then there is New England, the USC of the NFL. They absolutely destroyed San Diego. They out coached them, outplayed them and maybe even out spied them. When you talk about teams being undefeated in the NFL it’s usually kind of far-fetched. But, I find myself thinking about New England going 19-0, and winning the Super Bowl with ease. That’s just scary.
When talking about scariness, though, you don’t have to look much farther than Cal Poly. Have you seen the numbers wide receiver Ramses Barden is putting up? Can you say, “potential first-round draft choice”?
Barden has single-handedly dismantled the competition. Cal Poly may be 1-2, thanks to a bazillion turnovers, but man, does that offense seem potent.
Just check out his numbers: 21 receptions, 472 yards and six touchdowns in only three games. I repeat – three games! Let me put this into perspective for everyone. In 2006, Randy Moss had 42 catches, 553 yards and three touchdowns, in 13 games!
Now, I’m not saying Barden is Moss, but numbers don’t lie. He is on pace to shatter school and national records. Oh yeah, he’s 6-foot-6 and 230 pounds. Can you say PAC-10?
Since the first moment I saw Barden, I felt that he didn’t belong in FCS (formerly I-AA) football. How did Poly get so lucky? I don’t care how raw you are coming out of high school; the big schools just don’t miss guys like this.
I read an article by Bill Simmons the other day that summed up Barden. Simmons wrote about seeing superstar athletes in street clothes and how they are so intriguing for two reasons. First, they are just so much bigger than regular people. Second, they just move so effortlessly. Both of these are true in Barden’s case.
Simmons wrote about when he saw Kevin Durant walking, and how it didn’t look normal, how he “glided” when he walked. How when he saw Durant it was just obvious that this kid was put on this earth to play sports for a living. Ramses Barden was the first person I thought of while reading this.
I have been Barden’s biggest fan from the moment I first saw him. I just envisioned him having games like he just had, dominating from start to finish, being a man amongst boys.
I just imagined some over achieving, 5-foot-9 PAC-10 reject from Western Oregon trying to cover this guy. Being in Kansas City, I don’t have the chance to watch firsthand. But all of you, on the other hand, watch and enjoy. I promise he won’t disappoint!