Kudos to people voicing themselves (regardless of the rationale behind their arguments), the resulting replies they received, and the professor himself stepping out on a limb! Yes, there’s argument that these students should be more appreciative over what they have and that most do not really know what Third World conditions are like, but I totally agree with them and their professor that there is a time and place for speaking up, and having to put up with a hot and unventilated classroom and construction noise is one of those times! As for the timing of the construction, I was here over the summer and can say that the construction has been going on since July if I remember right.
SAVE THANKSGIVING . Unless a decision by President Baker (who just received another pay raise) is changed, finals week will follow Thanksgiving break next year. My question is: who recommended this alternate schedule and for what reason? What was wrong with previous fall quarter schedules that have been the same since the beginning of time (having one or more weeks between Thanksgiving and finals)? Because of my major, I am used to having to bring home LOTS of work over the break anyway, so this wouldn’t be too much of a stretch; I am more concerned for tenured professors where their reality would be to try and be with their families and have to prepare finals, rush to get grading done, etc.