A grand reopening ceremony will take place on Jan. 25 for the Poly P. Renovations to the P and surrounding trails have been ongoing since summer 2015.
The ceremony will take place on Spanos Lawn at 10 a.m. and will consist of a ribbon cutting and a ceremonial hike to the P, Chair of University Union Advisory Board (UUAB) and child development senior Sevelyn VanRonk said.
To commemorate the reopening, Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) will be hosting a photo contest. Students can hike to the P and take a photo of themselves with the #PolyP. Winners will be announced at the Cal Poly men’s basketball team’s home game on Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. Photos with the most spirit will be featured during the halftime show.
As soon as the P is reopened, students will have the chance to make reservations to decorate the P through the ASI Epicenter, VanRonk said.
“The UUAB is currently working on a policy so that it is easily accessible to students,” VanRonk said.
The P has been around for almost a century and is used as a form of student expression.
“In the past, what I have noticed is that it is really a student thing,” VanRonk said. “It serves as an icon on this campus and I appreciate that students are able to use it.”
Here’s a look at the history of the Poly “P.”