Returning to our empty dorm rooms after enjoying an either crazy or relaxing spring break in Havasu, at home and everywhere in between is different compared to our usual return to campus after breaks.
Similar to former returns though, I reluctantly readjusted back into school mode. I bought textbooks for my new classes, realized my home-cooked meals will now be replaced with campus dining, received a handful of emails regarding syllabi from professors and began with a clean slate (for the quarter, anyway).
But this time, as we settle ourselves down into a new quarter, it is the beginning of the ending of our beginning. Or put more simply: These are the first weeks of the last quarter of our freshman year of college.
It sounds ridiculous, especially because I vividly remember move-in day — very likely the most hectic day I have ever experienced as I wandered around like a lost puppy among an absurd amount of people — but it’s true.
Already more than half of our freshman year has flown by before our eyes and within a matter of weeks, it will be nothing more than a memory. What kind of memory, adjective-wise, is up to how you end this quarter and therefore this year.
As surreal as this thought is, it is a bit worrisome because I feel like I haven’t made the most out of my freshman year. I’ve eaten everywhere on campus (I think that should be something to note, although most of us probably have anyway), I hiked the “P” and I’ve been to the beaches. But, I haven’t done all that I wanted — or planned — to do during my freshman year. This doesn’t just apply to me, but I know this goes for most, if not all, of you freshmen reading this.
In the back of our minds, there is always that one thing — or many things — that we have wanted to do, but we just haven’t gotten around to doing because of the endless excuses we come up with. Whether it’s because we’re too busy or don’t know where to start, it’s time to start doing instead of excusing.
So with spring quarter upon us, it’s time to start crossing off a few things from your mental first year of college to-do list.
Take initiative and make whatever you want to happen, happen.
It can be as simple as going line dancing at The Graduate if you haven’t done so yet. Or if you’re like me, maybe you want to finally cross “hiking Madonna Mountain and Bishop Peak” off your list.
Maybe academics are on your mind, and you want to get onto the Dean’s List this quarter. Do it, because nothing is stopping you.
I’ve decided I will get straight A’s this quarter. That might seem far-fetched, especially with the classes I’m taking and just being in college in general, but hey, who said it isn’t possible? Well, maybe someone did say that, but that’s not going to bring me down.
Take a break once in a while and enjoy the trails at Montaña de Oro and possibly even camp out there. Travel to Avila Beach and enjoy a bonfire with your friends — it will be beautiful spring weather soon enough, after all.
Whatever it is you wish to accomplish, go for it. There are 10 weeks left in this quarter and this year; don’t let them go to waste.
Freshman year is about trying new things and discovering what you love. Take advantage of this quarter and do what you have always envisioned your freshman year to consist of when you thought about it in the months before moving to Cal Poly. End your first year in the best way possible so you can tell your friends from home your amazing stories.
Because, let’s be real, when we have all of San Luis Obispo and the beautiful nearby towns surrounding us, who wouldn’t be jealous of our adventures?