The Creamery Marketplace in Downtown San Luis Obispo is up and running featuring all of its new renovations. Since the renovations began in late 2016, the old Creamery parking lot has been renovated into a brick patio equipped with a new building to serve as home to new local businesses.
Some of the new businesses joining the location are SeaBreeze Cupcakes, Nite Creamery, and Cider, bringing a new kind of scene to downtown that San Luis Obispo has yet to see. SeaBreeze employee Jordyn Wright is excited to see how the new location is going to affect business now that they have moved from a solely online business to their home at The Creamery.
Downtown employee and long-time San Luis Obispo resident Braden Woodward is pleased with the new addition to downtown.
“This is going to help aid the businesses on the south end of downtown tremendously and it’s also bringing in a more new, modern look to SLO that is grossly outdated and far more traditional,” Woodward said.
He believes the new location will bring more attention to the young adult demographic that resides in San Luis Obispo and appeal to that demographic most prominently.
“It’s just prime for new ideas and for people to come in here with the spirit of entrepreneurship and try to make something of it,” Woodward said. “It’s a great location, got a great feel, and certainly got a great look for it.”