On the first Thursday of every month, members from all over the area join together for the one of biggest biking nights in San Luis Obispo, Bike Night.
The night was started by Mark Grayson in 2000 when his friends and he would ride their bikes around town. Grayson said that this is not an organization event, and he is just riding his bike and everyone else is following him.
“This is more to inspire people to get out of the car and on a bike … it’s original name was ‘The Bike Happening’, now it’s called Bike Night,” he said.
Bike Night brings together members from all over the community, old and young, for one night of biking fun.
Architecture sophomore Zack Pasma said that he was not sure what to think of the event when he first went and was surprised to see so many people on bikes.
“It’s kinda scary at first honestly and it’s kinda crazy that this is a thing but it’s so fun and it’s cool that this is like a bunch of Cal Poly students just coming out here for fun,” Pasma said.
The next Bike Night will be on Thursday, April 5 and bikers will meet at the Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa downtown.