Congratulations, San Luis Obispo Police Department. You ruined Mardi Gras…not. I would like to personally thank the wonderful uniformed officers that so graciously lent their time to ruining my weekend, or so they would have you believe.
Thanks to our men in blue, students were forced to avoid the obvious DUI checkpoints by taking alternate routes, turn sprinklers on in their front yards to deter potential unwanted officers, and get hammered playing slosh ball during the gorgeous daytime weather we enjoyed. I hope the effort was worth it, because besides making law-abiding bar-goers wait in ridiculously long lines only to find next to no one inside, you succeeded only in wasting all of our time. Thanks again, and I truly hope you’ve learned your lesson this year, because here in SLO, we’ll always continue to party-gras, beads or no beads.
Erica Janoff
Industrial engineering junior