Olivia Proffit
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Student leaders in Cal Poly greek life submitted the first draft of the Students Taking Action Towards University Safety plan (STATUS) to administration on Feb. 1. It is currently being reviewed by administrators and will be returned to greek life by Feb. 13. If the plan is approved, sororities and fraternities will be taken off of social probation.
Below are some of the main points taken from the first draft of the STATUS plan as well as a copy of the plan itself. These points are subject to change after administration edits the plan.
Expectations of the university
1. Educate members of greek life about the process of sexual assault investigations.
2. Inform greek life of the consequences following sexual assault.
3. Update greek life on any policy changes or current investigations.
Expectations of greek chapters
1. Create chapter programs that address sexual assault if they are not already in place.
2. Review chapter policy to judge if sexual assault among members is punished harshly enough.
3. Create a position in each house to act as a Safer representative.
Expectations of individual members
1. Introspectively assess one’s own attitudes of sexual assault.
2. Be open to working with others to understand the severity of the problem.
3. Take knowledge from educational sessions and apply to the real world.
4. Participate in all Greek programming.
Expectations of individual councils
1. Collaborate with administration to revise the party registration policy regarding alcohol consumption.
2.Work with Safer to create sexual assault prevention training.
3. Host forums for both greek and non-greek students to voice concerns.
4. Create a task force to investigate current social issues such as the “hook-up culture.”
5. Add mandatory education events about sexual assault.