Fake futures present real issues

Chances are, if you know what the phrase “zombie apocalypse” means, you probably have a contingency plan to deal with the possibility of an outbreak.

Monetary transparency program may come to ASI

Important budget information can be hidden behind confusing spreadsheets and dull numbers, but if Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) President Jason Colombini has his way, Cal Poly will be on the cutting edge of government transparency.

Physics, Calvinball and the not-so-strict laws of economics

Zachary Antoyan is a political science junior and Mustang Daily liberal columnist.  For the most part, everyone I know accepts the laws of physics as truth. There was this one kid on my street a while ago who thought he…

We the sheep

Zachary Antoyan is a political science junior and Mustang Daily liberal columnist.  I’m going to start this off with a question: How dedicated are you to the Constitution of the United States? Like on a scale of one to Nicholas Cage…