Avoiding Career Fair woes

Career Fair can be discouraging if you leave without an interview, but here’s how you can move forward.

Bulletproof résumés and cover letters

Amanda Margozzi amandamargozzi.md@gmail.com After a skim of a cover letter and a glance of a résumé, a possible employer will determine whether an applicant is worthy of an interview. However, companies at the Winter Career Fair are looking at more…

Preparation: A key step to finding a job

On Wednesday and Thursday, Chumash Auditorium will be filled with more handshakes than a political convention, more smiles than a beauty pageant and more sweat than a gym. This can only mean one thing: Cal Poly’s winter career fair. The…

Students can find non-traditional jobs for their majors

Traditionally certain majors have generated particular careers, but this is no longer the case. Today, a journalism major does not necessarily have to write for a newspaper, and a psychology student doesn’t have to be a psychologist. You might be…