So much for the best seven years of your life

Through its Expected Academic Progress (EAP) Policy, Cal Poly is making a conscience effort to graduate students in a timely manner.

Fresh-faced and pasty pale — why your Snooki-inspired tan is worth sacrificing for sunscreen

With summer fast approaching, before you grab your towel and make your weekly romp over to Pirates Cove … it’s time for the obligatory column on protecting yourself from the sun.

Building your credit score

Erik Hansen is a graduate student pursuing a Master of Public Policy and the “When I Was a Mustang…” columnist. While you may think it’s too early to start worrying about your credit score, as buying your first house is…

Googling yourself — How to clean up and maintain your online identity

Erik Hansen is a graduate student pursuing a Master of Public Policy and the “When I Was a Mustang…” columnist.

Buying a car: why used beats new

Erik Hansen is a graduate student pursuing a Master of Public Policy and the “When I Was a Mustang…” columnist.

Job hunting: the early bird catches the worm

Erik Hansen is a graduate student pursuing a Master of Public Policy and the “When I Was a Mustang…” columnist.

Becoming multilingual can boost your chances in the workplace

Erik Hansen is a graduate student pursuing a Master of Public Policy and the “When I was a Mustang…” columnist.

What to know when stitching up those holes in your head

In an age where you can get implants in your butt to look like Jennifer Lopez, stitching up your ears is chump change.

Tattoo removal: reasons to rethink the tramp stamp

In today’s job market you will need every competitive edge you can muster — good luck finding a job looking like a freak.

The ins and outs of drug testing in the workplace

With public sector employment expanding exponentially, and so much of the private sector dependent upon contracting work with the state and federal government, workplace drug testing is becoming more common.