Oh the Places You'll Go! (On The Internet) #2

Because I liked the first so much, here’s a second installment of Oh the Places You’ll Go (on the Internet!). These are five places I find fun or interesting, or even both. It’s all subjective opinion, so you’ll just have…

Please Anon Responsibly

Anonymity is a tricky thing when it comes to the Internet. On the one hand, you have a way to practice free speech without repercussion. On the other hand, you have a free pass to never taking responsibility for your…

Beauty and judgment in the dating Web site era

Your professor could judge you based on your lack of understanding of “Crime and Punishment,” someone on the bus could disapprove of your choice of clothes, hairstyle or music, or the cashier at the drugstore could judge your purchase of lube and candy canes.

Cal Poly on track for full Web accessibility by 2012

Laura Weiss is one of 71 Cal Poly students categorized as “disabilities students” who rely on compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to receive an education. Recent revisions of ADA involving electronic compatibility have forced the CSU to adopt a system-wide goal of achieving full ADA compliance by 2012.