Oh the Places You'll Go! (On The Internet) #2

Because I liked the first so much, here’s a second installment of Oh the Places You’ll Go (on the Internet!). These are five places I find fun or interesting, or even both. It’s all subjective opinion, so you’ll just have…

Please Anon Responsibly

Anonymity is a tricky thing when it comes to the Internet. On the one hand, you have a way to practice free speech without repercussion. On the other hand, you have a free pass to never taking responsibility for your…

Oh the Places You'll Go! (On the Internet) #1

I’m not quite sure what the Chief wants me to write. We were kind of given free reign when it came to writing our blogs. Since my blog is about the internet, I have a problem with coming up with…

Code-monkeying around

As our older readers might have guessed, the Mustang Daily website has changed dramatically. It wasn’t as easy as plugging in a new theme and turning it on. The needs of the Mustang Daily were many, and it took a…