A thank you to our veterans

Over the past week, we’ve been inundated with hundreds of ads all over television, the Internet, and the radio reminding us to “thank our veterans.” While it’s an important message to send to the American people, perhaps the more important question to ponder is, “Why do we thank our veterans?”

Local veterans come full circle

One man was a survivor of D-Day.

Another, a survivor of Iwo Jima.

There were 14 veterans in total from the Central Coast — their valor still radiating through their 90-year-old wrinkles — gathered around the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C. on Oct. 27.

Veterans 'invisible' on campus

Offices were closed and classes canceled Nov. 11 in honor of the men and women who have served in the armed forces. For many Cal Poly students, Veterans Day was a chance to sleep in or catch up on homework,…

What to do in San Luis Obispo on this Veterans Day holiday

San Luis Obispo County is hosting events this Thursday to honor the more than 25,000 veterans in residence.