Racist flyers and graffiti was found throughout Agricultural Sciences (building 11).
Swastika graffiti near AEPi house not an attack, chapter president says
The graffiti appeared late Saturday night.
Update: UPD arrests suspect in campus vandalism incident
The damage is estimated to cost $25,000.
Student arrested on vandalism, drunk in public
Mustang Daily Staff Report news@mustangdaily.net The San Luis Obispo Police Department (SLOPD) arrested agriculture systems management junior Matthew Martin early Saturday after police received a call about an individual breaking the windows of several vehicles near Johnson Avenue and Phillips…
Armstrong responds to anti-gay vandalism on campus
An anti-gay slur was discovered on a campus sign last week, prompting Cal Poly President Jeffrey Armstrong to email the campus community about the university’s core values yesterday. The anti-gay epithet was written on a sign reading “Campus Access” sometime…
Fraternity booths defaced
Vandals targeted the rush booths of four fraternities over the weekend of Jan. 21. While several other booths were egged or had their greek letters removed, the Pi Kappa Alpha (commonly know as PIKE) booth was spray-painted with slogans alleging…