ASI events: behind the stage

Allison Montroy Students can often find musical artists rapping, singing or strumming in the University Union (UU) Plaza during the week. Sometimes performers even come out at sunset to play for Cal Poly. Other days, students can enjoy comedians,…

Demystifying the Money: ASI and UU fees

This is the third installment in our Demystifying the Money series, which breaks down Cal Poly student tuition and fees. Check back next Tuesday for our fourth installment on IRA fees. Not all fees go toward academic programs. A select…

Professors may need to work overtime to workout

Weeks after its opening, hundreds of students flow in and out of the Recreation Center daily, and new users can still be seen admiring the 21,000 square-feet of usable space. But some individuals on campus are having a harder time…

BLOG: UU Plaza construction expanded

Construction continues on the UU because of an additional expansion that was approved in February.

Gym construction creates more exercise

As construction on the Recreation Center expands the pathway from Hathway Avenue onto campus has been shut down till August 30.

ASI rewards student input with cookies

The ASI event, Cookies for Comments, is a way for students to voice their concerns over student government in exchange for a cookie.