Mustang News, Oct. 10, 2013: Affordable Care Act impacts students, Govt. shutdown brings tourists

[follow id= “ashleydevriend”] Mustang News anchor Ashley DeVriend covers today’s biggest news.

Murdock takes the reins as SLO social media ambassador

J.J. Jenkins Bentley Murdock is a new kind of ambassador. He won’t travel to foreign countries or meet with leaders to determine global policy, but he’ll direct social media for San Luis Obispo in an attempt to drive virtual…

Watch Morro Bay go by while staying dry

[slideshow] If there’s anyone out there unfortunate enough to have never visited Disneyland, there’s an awesome ride in Tomorrowland called the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage (I swear there’s a point to this). You sit in these submarines and watch through…

There's always something to enjoy at Avila Valley Barn

[slideshow] One of my favorite memories as a kid was going to a local farm during the summer to pick berries with my family — we’d each take a box and pick until we couldn’t carry any more. As a…

A hotel that's its own destination

[slideshow] The Madonna Inn. It’s pretty hard to live here and not recognize that name. When I was little, I visited it at Christmas, and I remember two things: it was very pink and had a lot of crazy Christmas…

Point San Luis Lighthouse offers piece of local history

Erin Hurley is a journalism senior and Mustang Daily SLO lifestyle columnist. OK readers, I feel like we know each other well enough for me to reveal something about myself. I’m kind of a history nerd. I’ve always been one.…

Take a walk on the wild side … in Atascadero

Erin Hurley is a journalism senior and Mustang Daily SLO lifestyle columnist. Okay, for all of you who read my column, I’m about to drop a bomb on you: this week’s column is about a place that isn’t inside the…

The ‘SLOprah’ effect

In November, San Luis Obispo was named the happiest town in America. Months later, on Jan. 26, Oprah Winfrey featured a segment on San Luis Obispo on her TV show. Now, students and San Luis Obispo residents can’t help but…