6 things to do the summer before your first year at Cal Poly

Transitioning to the college lifestyle can be tough. Here’s six ways to help ease the pain of leaving home and getting settled in San Luis Obispo.

Cal Poly Lifehacks: Tips for making your life easier on campus

These tips won’t get you on the Dean’s List, but they’ll sure make life on a campus a little bit easier.

“Sorry for partying” — something you might say to your body

Let’s take a minute to remember the middle of senior year in high school: You received your acceptance letter, shed tears of joy at the thought of living in the happiest city in America, and bought your Cal Poly sweatshirt…

Things you wish you knew when you started college

We’ve struggled to climb up the hill (or possibly many on Cal Poly’s campus), tripping over rocks and catching ourselves in the process. We’ve stood on top of the peak, feeling accomplished and proud of ourselves that we made it…

Preparation: A key step to finding a job

On Wednesday and Thursday, Chumash Auditorium will be filled with more handshakes than a political convention, more smiles than a beauty pageant and more sweat than a gym. This can only mean one thing: Cal Poly’s winter career fair. The…

'But I wanna go home!': Tips for freshmen to avoid homesickness

Five ways for new students to make freshman year the best year of their lives.

From elevator pitches to hypotheticals: tips to stand out in an interview

Congratulations on your 4.0 GPA, 10 years of work experience and your volunteer work at a homeless shelter every Friday and Saturday night.

BLOG: H1N1 tips

We all know you should wash your hands, keep your hands off your face and take your vitamins but what else should we do to fight off H1N1?