Laws should be simple and all-encompassing to be fair

We are a country of laws and many would say those laws are what keeps our society civilized and allows us to generally go about our business in an orderly and structured society.

Rand Paul revisits Civil Rights Act

Paul’s position on the 1964 Civil Rights Act is pretty clear: he believes in nine of the 10 sections that dealt with removing discrimination by the government.

The inflation party looks like it’s coming to a close

There have been major riots in Greece lately, as people are upset with their government as it tries to cut back its out-of-control debt.

Disappointment and Optimism over ASI Elections

I’d like to make a few suggestions to the next ASI president; first, the sky is the limit and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.

WikiLeaks Leaks Classified War Video

An organization called WikiLeaks recently posted a classified video to YouTube showing a U.S. Apache Helicopter opening fire on people in Iraq in 2007.

Ron Paul deserved to win the CPAC poll for presidential candidate

At the recent Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington D.C., a poll was conducted of the participants, of which one of the questions was “Thinking ahead to the 2012 Presidential election, who would you vote for as the next Republican nominee for President?”

Reengaging in the Political Process

I write this column because I want to make a difference, but making a difference isn’t necessarily getting people to agree with my position on various issues.

Anthropogenic climate change has major consequences

The question of whether or not global warming is anthropogenic (caused by humans) is an important one, as it has huge ramifications for our environment, economy and ultimately our quality of life.

A misguided State of the Union

I made an effort to watch the State of the Union in its entirety this past week. To say the least, I was not impressed.