Giving back to the community, one tax return at a time

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA) is a program that provides a free tax service for people who earn $53,000 or less.

Crowd funding: A new direction for democracy

Zachary Antoyan is a political science junior and Mustang Daily liberal columnist. Strap in, I’m about to make taxes awesome. Functionally, we pay taxes to fund our government and its works. Federal, state and municipal taxes provide the necessary sum…

Are you there, God? It’s me, common sense

Ashley Pierce is a political science freshman and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. President Obama had the misfortune of the entire nation seeing his face become more and more pinched and constipated-looking during Dr. Benjamin Carson’s speech at the National Prayer…

VITA cuts tax season confusion

Bryan Yatsui has never had enough income to file taxes himself, yet he fills out four to five tax returns a week. Yatsui, a business administration senior with an accounting concentration, works at Cal Poly’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)…

Middle class scholarships to help decrease CA tuition

  California State Assembly speaker John Perez introduced legislation which would cut the rising price of attending public college in California by thousands of dollars per year, but not all are convinced it will pass and become law. The Middle…

Super Bowl wasn’t the only event on Sunday

Jeremy Cutcher is a political science senior and the Mustang Daily liberal columnist.

Accounting students offer free help during taxing time

Students in the Cal Poly Orfalea College of Business will provide free tax help for low-income individuals every Saturday from Jan. 29 through March 12 with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, a program supported by the Internal Revenue…

The irony of ‘too big to fail’

Under the guise of ‘too big to fail,’ federal officials have given huge sums of taxpayer money to financial institutions, which interestingly enough, an odd number of federal officials worked for these very same institutions prior to working in the administration.

Guest commentary: Cal Poly Corp. records should be transparent

Institutions sheltered from taxes should be transparent. Period. Let’s all work together to get rid of obscure auxiliary organizations and make this a better, more affordable and more transparent place to go to school.