Fresh and tasty dishes served at Real Food Collaborative’s Green Chef Competition

Real Food Collaborative held its annual Green Chef competition on April 26, using sustainable, local and organic produce.

Campus improves sustainability

With 9,678 acres of land, 5.8 million square feet of buildings and a population of more than 20,000, Cal Poly is practically its own small city. And, like any city in today’s changing world, going green is the key to continued growth.

Healthy eating in the ‘happiest town’

With all of the different activities that college students are involved in, it is no surprise that many do not have the time or energy to cook healthy meals each and every night of the week.

Students think Cal Poly gets gold for going green

Responsibility for the environment is a task that will soon be left to college students, and the movement to become more environmentally conscious and active is hard to ignore. As a university with a large agricultural program, it is no…

Cal Poly wins gold as best workplace for commuters

Innovative and sustainable means of transportation have made Cal Poly a standout as far as benefits not just for commuters but for the environment as well. Cal Poly was recognized with a gold medal this year as a Best Workplace for Commuters (BWC) by the University of South Florida’s National Center for Transit Research (NCTR).

Sustainability goals sometimes get lost

It is imperative that sustainability does not loose its position in the minds of students, faculty and staff on campus. The sustainability movement must reposition itself as a driving force on campus.