ASI survey recommends pub, movie theater in UU

A pub and a movie theater are among the top 10 recommendations for improvement of the UU made by students, faculty and staff through an April survey of the ASI Facility Master Plan.

Campus Climate Survey: The numbers, the successes, the problems

The survey indicated 1,410 respondents had experienced “exclusionary, intimidating, offensive and/or hostile conduct” at Cal Poly.

Cal Poly Corporation planning new dining complex

The plan for the new facility is still being talked out within Cal Poly Corporation and among university administrators, Cal Poly Corporation spokesperson Yukie Murphy said.

Officials question ‘dry campus’

If midterms made you thirsty, then rumors of a pub coming to campus must be making you parched.
While Cal Poly officials are considering adding a pub on campus, the first step is still to see if it’s something a majority of students would want, Associated Students Inc. (ASI) President Jason Colombini said.