Sleep on it: why students need shuteye

Sam Gilbert is a journalism sophomore and Mustang Daily health columnist. Week five really brings a plethora of emotions. Sure, we’re only five weeks away from the most beautiful season of the year, but we’re also dealing with the ugliest…

The body after Adderall: Is it worth it?

Sam Gilbert is a journalism sophomore and Mustang Daily health columnist. It’s the week we’ve all been dreading since the moment winter quarter began. Yes, you guessed it: dead week. In my opinion, the buildup to finals is almost worse…

Arming your body against midterms

We all hear the same sob story three times a year: not enough sleep because of an all-nighter spent at Cal Poly’s legendary Robert E. Kennedy Library, too much stress and not enough time to do or think about anything…

Learning to self-regulate and study

“Study 25 to 35 hours a week.” Yellow signs brandishing this slogan around campus encourage dedicating two hours per unit each week to hitting the books. It can be tough dedicating five, six, seven hours, five or six days a…

How to stay alive during dead week

Leila Durmaz is a journalism freshman and Mustang Daily freshman columnist. When you think about it, Thanksgiving break is such a tease. We spend a few beautifully relaxing days at home, enjoying good — to say the least — homemade…

How to fight those winter ‘a-choos’

College is about studying, meeting new people, discovering passions and even attending an occasional party. Between all of these different aspects of college life, many students forget how to stay healthy.

BLOG: Metal rocks my studious socks

While many people probably default to classical, soft or easy-listening music during intense study sessions, I go for metal.

Students flock to familiar study spot during finals

It boasts being voted the “Best Study Spot.” Who voted it the best study spot? The best study spot out of where?