3 Leg Torso to tell stories with wordless songs Sunday

Portland-based “cinematic world chamber music” quintet 3 Leg Torso will perform at Steynberg Gallery this Sunday evening and bring plenty of kooky sounds and stories with them.

Listen up: free music is around the corner

Take a look at some small venues in the area that offer quality music — free of charge.

Writing event invites community members to dust off typewriters

Community members collaborated this weekend for Typing in Public, a project dedicated to inspiring the community and celebrities to join and celebrate the written word.

Steynberg Gallery adds food to menu

The Steynberg Gallery now offers food.

Musicians take over Steynberg Gallery

The Steynberg Gallery knows how to set an intimate mood: a single silhouette in front of a sequined red backdrop, a dusting of dim lighting and a window looking out to an early evening sky.

Pecha Kucha kicks off in San Luis Obispo

Pecha Kucha Night San Luis Obispo presents various artists’ works and philosophies in a timely fashion — 20 slides in 20 seconds — at the Steynberg Gallery.

Culture in the form of poetry

“Poets are the eyes of god, I think that poets and writers have a vision to promote social awareness and humanitarian goals,” modern languages and literature professor Gloria Velasquez said.