How does Cal Poly baseball stack up statistically?

Stat nerds rejoice. Cal Poly baseball is statistically one of the best teams in the country.

Statistics department looks to improve odds of job placement

Elyse Lopez Special to Mustang Daily Statistics majors at Cal Poly don’t have a problem finding jobs, but the department is doing everything it can to improve the odds that graduates get one, associate professor Jimmy Doi said. The statistics…

Stats students in high demand

More than half of the population doesn’t understand what statistics really is, Cal Poly statistics professor Soma Roy said. This is a shame because there are so many more statistics jobs available today than there are statisticians, she said. With…

FLASH program to evaluate Cal Poly student health over time

Cal Poly’s statistics department is helping the kinesiology department’s FLASH program organize data that will show the overall health of thousands of Cal Poly students over a period of four years.