30-Minute update: Students prepare for St. Patrick’s Day weekend, dune boarding comes to campus

Mustang News anchors Allison Martinez and Justine Pelton have this week’s top stories.

30-Minute update: Preparing for St. Fratty’s Day, Inside Krukow’s Klubhouse

Mustang News anchors Allison Royal and Leah Horner update you on Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

‘St. Fratty’s Day’ investigation continues: students summoned for ‘required’ questioning

“Our ultimate intent is to determine who is directly responsible for planning this gathering and hold them accountable for creating a safety threat to the participants and the community,” Dean of Students Jean DeCosta said.

Letter to the editor: Greek life apologizes for St. Fratty’s Day events

We do not condone the reckless behavior that took place at the unfortunately titled event, “St. Fratty’s Day.”

Mustang News Now: 1-Minute update

Mustang News anchor Leah Horner has the headlines you need to know going into this week.

The Right Angle: More than a rooftop

The “St. Fratty’s Day” Party revealed more than just a weak rooftop.

5-Minute Update: Roof collapse forum, Pet de-stressors in the library

Mustang News anchor Alexa Bruington covers this week’s top stories at Cal Poly.