OUR orientation up for review

Orientation for United Raza is in the process of being evaluated according to Andrene Kaiwi-Lenting, director of New Student and Transition Programs.

Mustang News Now: 1-Minute update

Mustang News anchor Leah Horner has the headlines you need to know going into this week.

Orientation programs to be mandatory for incoming students

Cal Poly’s orientation events will be mandatory for incoming freshman and transfer students come 2015.

WOW and SOAR mandatory starting Fall 2015

New freshman will be required to participate in the SOAR and Week of Welcome (WOW) orientation programs starting in Fall 2015.

Meet the Orientation and Transition Board

Behind every coordinated dance by the orientation leaders, each Week of Welcome (WOW) activity and all the Soar groups, there stands seven students: members of the Orientation and Transition Board, who are directly responsible for coordinating Soar and WOW.

Faces of WOW: The students behind the scenes

For Orientation Programs, Week of Welcome (WOW) is perhaps the biggest event of the year. However, being a WOWie isn’t the only way to be involved.