In defense of smoking

Hunter White is a history senior and Mustang News columnist. The views expressed in this column do not reflect the viewpoints and editorial coverage of Mustang News. Smoking will almost certainly kill you, and before it does, it will ravage…

30-Minute update: A live look at the Engineering Expo, Bill Nye visits Cal Poly

Mustang News anchors Monica Roos and Kevin Schindler update you on Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

Smoke and mirrors: SLO smoking ban doesn’t apply to campus

Despite the May 2010 smoking ordinance in San Luis Obispo, smoking in public places continues to occur, especially on the Cal Poly campus.

New smoking ordinance in SLO

A ban on smoking at public parks and outdoor recreation areas that include Mission Plaza and the nearby creek walk was ordered by the San Luis Obispo City Council last Friday after the council had received complaints from residents and businesses.