Sleep on it: why students need shuteye

Sam Gilbert is a journalism sophomore and Mustang Daily health columnist. Week five really brings a plethora of emotions. Sure, we’re only five weeks away from the most beautiful season of the year, but we’re also dealing with the ugliest…

College students: learn how to drink coffee the right way

Aryana Azmoudeh Special to Mustang Daily As college students, we can all agree sometimes we need that extra boost of energy, especially during midterms and finals. Even though coffee can be healthy when consumed in moderation, students must take into…

Students choose to 'Sleep Out for Homelessness'

Students walking to 8 a.m. classes on Thursday were greeted by a strange sight. More than 100 of their classmates were camped out on the cement in the University Union for the night. Wednesday night was “Sleep Out to End…

How to fight those winter ‘a-choos’

College is about studying, meeting new people, discovering passions and even attending an occasional party. Between all of these different aspects of college life, many students forget how to stay healthy.