Carson Starkey’s legacy: Scott and Julia Starkey are raising alcohol awareness among college students

A look back on the death of Cal Poly freshman Carson Starkey, and the awareness his parents have raised about alcohol poisoning prevention since.

Final two defendants sentenced in Starkey case

Defendants Russell Taylor and Adam Marszal pleaded no contest to misdemeanor hazing in the death of Carson Starkey Thursday morning in a San Luis Obispo County courtroom.

Carson Starkey trial results in jail time

Two defendants in the criminal trial of Carson Starkey pleaded no contest to misdemeanor hazing charges and will serve jail time. Zachary Ellis and Haithem Ibrahim will serve 120 and 45 days respectively in county jail and three years of informal probation.

One year after Starkey’s death, criminal and civil cases ongoing

“You were handed a bag of alcohol and you were supposed to finish it all together. Some bags had hard alcohol, mine just had beer … We were drinking for like an hour,” Sauer said.

Judge rules there is enough evidence to proceed with student’s hazing death trial

A San Luis Obispo County judge ruled on Tuesday that there was enough evidence to proceed with the trial of Zacary Ellis and Haithem Ibrahim, on trial for the fatal hazing of Carson Starkey.

Cal Poly hires staff to educate greek life following SAE arrests

Cal Poly will hire two staff members to educate the greek system about the dangers of alcohol and hazing following the arrests made in connection with the death and hazing of fraternity pledge Carson Starkey.