What is a 6.9? A good thing interrupted by a period. Har har. Those of you who automatically eliminate 25 percent of your potential sexual encounters because things might get a little messy are missing out.
Note to possessive significant others: stay away
Society has conditioned those in relationships that being involved with someone equates to ownership. Significant others who value their counterpart as a possession should stay away.
Religion and sex don’t have to be mutually exclusive
I have to admit, I am a bit of a sinner when it comes to the cardinal rule of no sex before marriage. Now, not all churches view sex before marriage, or sex not for reproductive purposes, as a one-way ticket to hell, but like many others, mine does.
Sex column: Breaking the dry spell
It may be the middle of winter, but some Cal Poly students are suffering from dehydration. Not due to a lack of water, but because of a personal love drought. It is true that everyone has their down times.