Governor Brown signs ‘sip and spit’ bill: underage students now able to taste wine

The law will allow California public university students enrolled in enology or brewing programs to taste wine in a classroom setting.

Statewide conversation about educational fees

Last Tuesday night, Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) held a live Web cast with student representatives from the University of California, California State University and California Community College systems. There was a pre-recorded “day in the life” segment…

Many students unaware of health care plan

At Cal Poly, most students are unaware of the status of the health care reform being discussed in Congress. If these bills become law, they will have an effect on the future of Americans and their health insurance.

In light of Senate loss, Dems should ask: what would Wilberforce do?

If Wilberforce had settled with his detractors for an abolitionist bill which merely decried the slave trade and did nothing to ameliorate those conditions, history would not have remembered him.

Senate Democrats forgot constituents

Edward R. Murrow, regarded as one of the greatest journalists in history, once said, “A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” Government, at times self-serving and corrupt, needs supervision and a well-informed, active public to keep it in order.

Bill is a chance to reevaluate American Dream

The Senate credit card bill had overwhelming bipartisan support, and passed 90-5 on Tuesday. The reason this bill passed could be a direct result of the involvement of the American public in the political process.