Mustang News reporter gives updates on greek social probation

Greek life could be on probation for at least another week, as national fraternity and sorority chapters are getting involved with the negotiations here at Cal Poly.

Admin oversteps with proposed policy

The editorial board of Mustang News has taken a hard stance against some of greek life’s actions in the past. But when it comes to the ongoing discussions about a new party registration policy, administrators are forcing greeks to swallow policies that go beyond what’s reasonable.

Details emerge about proposed greek party registration policy

A copy of the draft policy, obtained by Mustang News and confirmed by a source familiar with the ongoing negotiations, outlines the limitations that must be agreed upon as part of a new party-registration policy.

After internal confusion, no greek probation for now

The Dean of Students told greek leaders in an email late Tuesday afternoon that they were given a “grace period” to finish hammering out the details on a new party registration policy, and that Cal Poly greek chapters were never on probation.

Greeks backtrack on ‘Colonial Bros and Nava-hos’ apology

Leaders of the Cal Poly greek community clarified their apology for the “Colonial Bros and Nava-hos” party Tuesday, shifting blame away from fraternities and sororities that might have been involved with it.

ASI Board of Directors votes to stay on quarters

The ASI Board of Directors also formally supported quarters earlier this year, after 89.8 percent of voting students shot down semesters in a February vote.

‘Nava-hos’ party unanimously criticized at forum

Attendees at a campus forum Friday spent more than an hour criticizing a “Colonial Bros and Nava-hos”-themed party Cal Poly is investigating, as well as the students who participated in it.

Cal Poly student drowns in Spain

A report from Diario de Sevilla, a newspaper in Spain, states that a student — identified at Matthew R. Y. — jumped from a bridge and drowned in the Guadalquivir river at 3:30 a.m. on Nov. 21.

FIRE criticizes Cal Poly investigation into Native American-themed party

Joe Cohn, who works at FIRE’s headquarters in Philadelphia, said Thursday that Cal Poly’s investigation is unconstitutional based on the information the university has made public so far.

Party brings debate to campus, leaves greeks on edge

A Thanksgiving-party-gone-wrong put some fraternities and sororities on edge this week and opened discussion at Cal Poly about the university’s role in regulating off-campus behavior.