Homeless Awareness Week comes to Cal Poly

Homeless Awareness Week (HAW) includes five days of events in which students can be educated on the topic of homelessness in San Luis Obispo County.

Keep your New Year’s resolution? There’s an app for that!

Aryn Sanderson arynsanderson.md@gmail.com The easiest part of New Year’s resolutions? Making them. The hardest? Keeping them. Today is National Ditch Your New Year’s Resolution Day. But if you haven’t broken your 2013 resolution yet, these smart phone apps — and…

Poly Paws raises money for local animal shelters with Furry 5K Walk

The Poly Paws program held its inaugural Furry 5K Walk at Laguna Lake Park to raise money for several San Luis Obispo animal shelters Saturday.

Students fast to fight hunger

A small group of students fought hunger with empty stomachs on Wednesday as part of 30-Hour Famine, an awareness event for worldwide poverty.

See the Need Week helps homeless in SLO County

Student Community Services’ (SCS) annual See the Need Week drew attention to the very serious hunger and homelessness issues worldwide and in San Luis Obispo.