The process of ending partisanship in government begins with us

Partisanship pervades California politics. The state got a dose of the disease when the state Senate rejected Arnold Schwarzenegger’s appointment to lieutenant governor, Abel Maldonado. He is a Republican appointment, which is natural since the governor is Republican. But that’s no excuse for Democrats to reject his appointment for no reason other than his political affiliation.

Maldonado as Lt Gov seeks Legislature confirmation

If confirmed, Maldonado would replace John Garamendi, a Democrat, who was elected to congress early November. But both the state Senate and Assembly must vote as a majority. The challenge is three members of the Senate have already announced plans to run for the lieutenant governor seat.

Say ‘hasta la vista’ to ill-conceived special election propositions

Tomorrow’s special election and its six ballot measures have been put forth as a bi-partisan effort at fiscal responsibility – but fall completely flat. Yes, we need fiscal reform, but Propositions 1A-1E aren’t the way to do it.