Ten lessons from a quarter abroad

Journalism junior Erica Husting (1-5) and business administration junior J. J. Jenkins (6-10) both studied abroad this fall quarter – Husting in Italy and Jenkins in Spain. These are the lessons they took away from their time abroad. Lesson 1:…

Climbing St. Peter’s Basilica, delving into San Lorenzo

Erica Husting is a journalism junior and Mustang Daily study abroad columnist.  It took 551 stairs to reach the top of the cupola. I was literally hovering over Rome. I had made it to the top of St. Peter’s Basilica…

When in Rome … Exploring the historic city

J.J. Jenkins is a business administration junior and a Mustang Daily study abroad columnist.  If I were an author staging the opening act of a grisly novel, the place I found myself on Thursday night would be the scene of…

Once upon a time, a Mustang went to Italy

I feel like I’m in an Italian fairytale. I couldn’t help but think this the moment I stepped outside of my dorm for the first time. I was greeted by the warm, shining Roman sun on my face. After more…

‘Angels’ entertaining but lacks substance

Three years ago “The Da Vinci Code,” one of the most commercially successful and controversial movies of all time, was released to both considerable criticism and universal skepticism.