Important issues on campus explained: semesters vs. quarters and Student Success Fee make headlines

Between classes, work, clubs and weekend beach trips, it can be difficult for Cal Poly students to pay attention to what’s going on around campus.

History repeats itself as fee proposal comes to students

  Less than three years after voting to increase College Based Fees, Cal Poly students will once again be asked to advise the university president on a school-wide tuition increase come Wednesday. The Student Success Fee brings up uncanny similarities…

Proposed tuition increase receives sharp criticism at forum

As part of the lead up to a student advisory vote next month, Cal Poly administrators hosted the first of nine forums to educate students about a proposed fee Tuesday. The proposed Student Success Fee, which interim vice president for…

Provost denies privatization

Questions arose about Cal Poly’s future as a public university after a talk given by Cal Poly Provost Robert Koob last Wednesday at a retired faculty and staff luncheon. Koob discussed increasing cuts to funding and tuition hikes as signs…

Dean’s complaints incite lawsuit

According to an e-mail sent in Oct. 2007, former dean of Cal Poly’s College of Engineering Mohammad Noori “sold (his) soul to the devil Saudi Arabia” — at least this was written in the mass message sent to all faculty…

Search for new Cal Poly president ends with Armstrong

Jeffrey Armstrong will commence his position as Cal Poly’s new president Feb. 1 after officially being chosen on Dec. 15.

A midterm discussion with Interim President Glidden

Interim President Robert Glidden has been at Cal Poly since Aug. 1, enabling him to understand the school more thoroughly and understand some of the issues it faces in its journey to find a new president and keep its reputation as a high quality university.

Budget cuts cause enrollment cuts

Cal Poly, along with the rest of the colleges in the California State University system, was told by the chancellor’s office to cut student numbers this year in order to save money. The decision put Cal Poly on track to meet the required enrollment target set by the chancellor’s office of 15,702 full time equivalent students.

Engineering dean dismissed

Dean of the College of Engineering Mohammad Noori was dismissed after allegations of misappropriated funds and a lack of leadership.

Student fees increase

Another increase in student fees means already struggling campuses in CSU system may face even more hardship.