‘Rag-tag’ committee made first Open House

Elyse Lopez elyselopez.md@gmail.com After the riots in 1990 that caused the cancellation of Poly Royal, students had to think of a new way to open up the campus for the weekend and showcase their work. Poly Royal was a wonderful…

Mardi Gras, Cal Poly and the ‘biggest celebration west of the Mississippi’

Brian De Los Santos bdelossantos@mustangdaily.net The first thing Graham Updegrove heard was screaming. Then the entire crowd started running. “I didn’t even look back, I just kind of started running as well,” Updegrove said. “I took a couple of steps…

Rioting breaks out at California Men's Colony

Two units of the nearby California Men’s Colony have been placed under lockdown after gang riots occurred on June 29.

Panel talks Egypt, riots and religion

With recent riots and the dawn of a revolution in Egypt, a panel of professors from the religious studies, political science and history departments spoke about the future of Egypt last Thursday. Professors Stephen Lloyd-Moffett, Matthew Hopper, Anika Leithner and…