Mustang News Weekly Newscast, May 29, 2014

Mustang News anchors Julian Del Gaudio and Mallory St. George recap Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

Today's Top 5: From a purple campus to a struggling diversity

Olivia Doty [follow id=”doty_olivia”] 1. 40 years later, Cal Poly still struggles with diversity In the 1970s, Cal Poly had the largest population of black students it has ever seen, with a total of 285 students — that’s 2 percent,…

Relay for Life turns campus purple

The Cal Poly Relay for Life crew tied purple ribbons around trees and posts, and left chalk messages such as #beatcancer and #jointhefight on the ground around Dexter Lawn and the Julian A. McPhee University Union (UU) Plaza.

Relay for life brings teams together to raise money for a cure

Relay for Life brings the community out to celebrate cancer survivors, remember those who lost their lives to the disease and fight back by raising money for a cure.

Poly hosts seminar on healthy eating, cancer prevention

The hour-long seminar included discussion on the myths about foods causing cancer, easy steps to stay healthy, ways to create a well-balanced diet when fighting cancer, and real stories from Cal Poly survivor, Ashley James.