Students reported fewer rapes, fondles and burglaries in 2018 than in 2017 according to the 2019 Annual Security Crime Report released Sept. 19. The Annual Security Report includes statistics on crime compiled by Strategic Business Services between 2014 and 2016.…
SLO saw “unprecedented” increase in rape, violent crimes in 2018, according to police
A senior turned her story into a sexual assault investigation of 61 student survivors
In 1995, Safer — an on-campus confidential advocacy, education and support program concerning sexual assault, sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking — painted red hands at reported sexual assault locations and started the Red Handprint campaign. Twenty-three red…
Caught in a changing system: A survivor’s story after her perpetrator is allowed to re-enroll at Cal Poly
A survivor’s senior project is investigating sexual assault and rape at Cal Poly
A rape survivor took her experience and propelled it into a senior project, reaching out to others who had similar expereinces and asking what resources Cal Poly provides and could improve upon.
Cal Poly sees rise in arrests, sexual assaults, report shows
These numbers may be affected by the willingness of victims to come forward, as well as the university’s method of collecting information.
Sexual assault reported in Sierra Madre
The alleged rape is said to have taken place the night of May 26 or 27.
Sexual Assault vs. Party Loyalty
We must face the degeneracy that has run rampant in pop culture and politics for too long
Lompoc resident arrested after kidnap and sexual assault attempt
Daniel Guerrero was charged with kidnapping, assault with intent to commit rape and false imprisonment by SLOPD early Monday morning.
Rape culture in the west: Trivializing sexual assault and abuse
Rape culture exists, and it exists in this country.
Property crime in SLO spikes, violent crime on the decline
Property crime in SLO increased in the past two years while violent crime is on the decline.