The CSSA voted to submit a resolution to CSU Chancellor Timothy White regarding the quarter to semester conversion of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal Poly Pomona, and CSUs East Bay, San Bernadino, Bakersfield and Los Angeles.
CP students vote support for quarters
Laura Pezzini Wednesday’s student advisory vote was expected to show that Cal Poly students favor quarters over semesters, and it did exactly that, with the vast majority choosing quarters. Those in favor of staying on the quarter system took…
ASI opens student semester vote today
Sean McMinn Cal Poly’s semester drama isn’t over yet, but Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) hopes to get one step closer to the finale with this week’s vote. ASI will gauge students’ attitudes toward semesters with a student vote which…
A college’s calendar counts: Be a leader with quarters
Kelly Trom is a journalism sophomore and Mustang Daily arts contributing writer. The semester versus quarter debate is an age-old question. Well maybe not age-old, but it has been debated since the 1960s. In recent years, it has been on…
Administrators to consider semesters
Cal Poly administrators are examining the possibility of moving the university toward a semester-based calendar in response to statewide pressure to standardize the California State University (CSU) system. A CSU task force co-chaired by Cal Poly President Jeffrey Armstrong, among…