30-Minute Update: Oil spill contaminates coast, students remember Isla Vista shooting

Mustang News anchors Brittany Graham and Shelley Westerson update you on Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

Have a bike or skateboarding citation?

Get caught running a stop sign? There is a way you can reduce the fees for bicycle and skateboarding citations: Apply for the Cal Poly Skateboarding Diversion or Bicycle Diversion Class. Completing the course and presenting the certificate of completion…

Let’s take this outside: the ins and outs of public sex

When I think of consensual sex in public, I imagine young people doing it in their parents’ Volvos, and people banging in the wilderness.

Public preschool should be available to all Americans

Rachael Davison Special to the Mustang Daily At the age of 3, children’s brains are two-and-a-half times more active than adults’ brains. However, the public school system in the United States does not begin until kindergarten, when children are 5…