Psychology professor brings Glass to campus

Imagine being able to send an email, check the weather or record video hands-free as you walk around campus, all by using a pair of glasses.

Quick Talk with Award-Winning Graduates

Cal Poly has a reputation for producing some of the top graduates in the state, but who are the top of the top?

Got the whiskey blues? Try something new

For Cal Poly students, the signs of problematic drinking don’t have to do with drinking every day or drinking in the morning, Mary Peracca, a Cal Poly drug and alcohol counselor of 12 years, said.

Making a change: the psychology behind New Year’s resolutions

Sam Gilbert is a journalism sophomore and Mustang Daily health columnist. Remember at the start of 2012 when you swore you’d stick to your resolution to lose five pounds or to take up a new hobby? Yeah, we remember too.…

Midterm madness hits Cal Poly

Laura Pezzini Lately, biological sciences senior Madison Walter can usually be found in the Robert E. Kennedy Library. That is, while she’s not in class. “I study between all my classes, and then probably about six hours every night,”…

Log out. Facebook is lowering your GPA

A recent study found that Facebook users spend less time studying and have lower GPAs than students who don’t log on. Although the study itself doesn’t seem to be very well conducted, it draws attention to the obvious fact that Facebook is a huge distraction.