Same-sex marriages expected to begin Monday in SLO County

A federal appeals court Friday lifted its stay on same-sex marriage, and a San Luis Obispo County official said she expects the county to begin performing ceremonies for gay couples Monday.

Same-sex marriage decision presents conservatives with chance to reform

I don’t like Tuesdays. Too often they feel like a dreary extension of all that went unfinished on Monday, and seldom can they match the sunny halfway-there optimism of Wednesday or Thursday’s stoic determination to finish strong. No, Tuesdays have…

Prop. 8 overturned by federal court

California’s Proposition 8, a controversial ban of same-sex marriage, was ruled unconstitutional Tuesday by a federal appeals court, paving the way for a likely U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Proposition 8. The three-judge panel of the 9th Circuit Court of…

Prop 8 trial should have been broadcast

The trial on the constitutionality of Prop 8 in a California district court should have been televised.