America can still move forward in times of turmoil

Even though the U.S. government is in a mess right now due to runaway spending and regulation, there are several ways the country can get back on track.

Big refund, small government

American government spending has grown exponentially over the past 50 years. In 1930, the Gross Domestic Product of the United States was $91.2 billion and total federal spending was $11.9 billion.

BLOG: Web site lets users TellMrObama what they think

A new Web site called is about to flood the president’s email inbox, letting him know what people think about current issues in America.

BLOG: Obama urged change on Fourth

President Obama gave his weekly address, urging citizens to put forth the same spirit as the country’s first system.

Update: SLO County follows suit, rejects 5 of 6 election propositions

Proposition 1F, the only measure to pass, received 73 percent yes votes statewide and received a resounding yes from 80 percent of the voters in San Luis Obispo County.

Say ‘hasta la vista’ to ill-conceived special election propositions

Tomorrow’s special election and its six ballot measures have been put forth as a bi-partisan effort at fiscal responsibility – but fall completely flat. Yes, we need fiscal reform, but Propositions 1A-1E aren’t the way to do it.

The ‘war on drugs’: the fight against a victimless crime

Either a man has a right to himself or he does not. If he has such a right, how can it be argued that he does not have a right to also harm himself or, as in this case, commit an act which the government happens to define as harmful?

Republican camp dwindling as moderates walk to Dems

The emerging Republican Party is all or nothing, and as a result we should expect more moderate Republican politicians and free thinkers to begin changing the letter after their names too.

Corporate lobbyist transparency needed for the green age

See, a huge number of companies make modest improvements in practices, but lobby all-out, in a variety of ways, to stall the adoption of higher standards, better land-use practices, green taxes or even health and safety regulations. And the impacts of those lobbying efforts usually far, far outweigh the good they claim to be doing with their pilot green efforts.