More residential areas near campus and downtown will now require parking permits for street parking. San Luis Obispo City Council unanimously voted to expand the Monterey Heights Residential Parking District and to create the Dana Street Residential Parking District Tuesday…
More winter quarter parking permits are available after selling out for fall
Parking permits for commuter students are available for next quarter. From now until Dec. 1, they can join the waitlist for Winter 2020 permits.
Cal Poly now uses cameras to enforce parking. Here’s how it works
You no longer need to display a plastic placard on your mirror to park on campus.
On-campus parking is going permitless
Beginning Fall 2019, Cal Poly will implement permitless parking through technology that scans license plates to determine if a permit was purchased. The new License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology was approved by campus Information Technology Service March 6, and…
Frustrated about parking? Now is your chance to have your voice heard
Transportation and Parking Services in collaboration with campus partners and consulting firm to overcome parking challenges.
Cal Poly is “leveling the playing field” with a new parking pass lottery
Parking services are trying to improve the commuter passes process by implementing a new wait list lottery.
Three new parking structures, weekend permits proposed in Master Plan
Parking structures at Via Carta, Highland Drive and Mt. Bishop Road have been proposed.
Downtown parking structures will now charge 24/7
The downtown San Luis Obispo parking garages have implemented a new “Pay on Foot” system, charging for parking 24/7.
UPD bike auction attracts students looking for cheap wheels
Cal Poly’s bi-annual silent bike auction on Monday had students lined up to the end of the parking lot at the University Police Department (building 36). All 99 bikes offered in the auction were sold, according to Parking and Event…
Parking citation fees increase, money goes toward alternative transportation programs
Find out what the parking citation fee money can and cannot be used for.
Campus parking shakeup: Passes are now first come, first serve
The passes are no longer sold in order of academic progress. Freshman are still not eligible.